Divide Directory
divide411.com - Your Online "Local" Phone Book


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Become a Sponsor

This web site is an online complement to the printed Georgetown Divide Phone Directory sponsored by local businesses who have paid for display advertising. However, we do have one Gold Banner space and a few Sliver Banner spaces available to help promote print advertising of this online version of the Divide Directory. If you purchase a Gold or Silver Sponsorship we will commit 80% of your purchase to direct, local, "print" (that's right, the Georgetown Gazette) advertising of this Web Site. The remaining 20% will be directed to administrative costs to add your advertising information.

Gold Sponsor: A gold sponsor will have a 430 X 60 pixel banner on all web pages (examples below) and a 248 X 60 banner at the top of all phone data results page. Price $300.00 per year.

Silver Sponsor: A Silver sponsor will have a 120 X 60 pixel banner on all web pages (examples left & right) and a 120X 60 pixel banner on the left or right side of all phone data results pages. Price $150.00 per year.

We encourage you to supply your own banners. However, we will make a "best reasonable effort" to create one for you if you do not wish to take the time to provide your own design. Just let us know.

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